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Dr Ashley Brewer, Director – Science Creates Incubators

My specialism is the management of scientific research facilities. If it weren’t for Bristol’s innovative approach to problem solving, I would have had to have retrained or relocated a few years back. There was a shortage of scientific jobs in the region, but when Science Creates’ first incubator in in St Philips’ was founded, I joined the company and we now support a fast-growing scientific ecosystem in the city.

My wife and I decided that we wanted to live in the South-West in 2007, we made the move in 2010 and I’ve mostly worked in Bristol since then.

Favourite thing/place about Bristol

It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to climb in the Avon Gorge, but topping out onto the Downs is a memorable experience.


Ensuring that support can keep pace with Bristol’s emerging sectors, while ensuring that the opportunities presented by these sectors are open to all.

Future plans – a focus on what this achieves for Bristol 

We recently opened our second incubator. This  new facility will become a home for innovative science and engineering companies in Bristol to grow. Science Creates (Old Market) will also have a dedicated outreach laboratory, where we’ll continue our work with local schools to invite learners to participate in hands-on workshops and interactive lessons.

What has changed since Covid-19?

Community spirit is alive and well, but the way it manifests has changed. Covid-19 also seems to have sharpened peoples’ resolve; they are more focused and determined to hit their business goals. Some organisations changed focus to help tackle the problem, one of our members has developed a covid-19 vaccine candidate and another geared up to carry out PCR testing.

How have Bristol’s values/creativity/independent spirt supported resilience or recovery and your future plans?

Bristol has seen a dramatic change in the scientific sector in the last five years, this diversification is helping to build resilience in the local economy by utilising resources that already existed in the city: cutting edge research and entrepreneurial spirit.

What you want to see for Bristol going forwards?

The continued growth of the scientific sector in Bristol, and the support systems that surround it. There is a wealth of talent in the city and we need to ensure there are job opportunities that allow people to work in a sector they’re passionate about.

Ashley Brewer headshot